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About The Masquerade Serie

This gallery has samples of my first works as a painter before I received any academic instruction. I cherish them because they remind me a period of time in my life that was full of artistic ambitions; it was a period of discoveries, of good decisions and bad decisions. Impressed by the colors and unlimited imageries of Venetian carnivals, I decided to create a series of characters, creating my own world in a totally different context, enriched by my own personal experiences.

​Abstracts and Experimental Works


About Abstracts and Experimental Works


T​his gallery shows examples of my experimentation with different techniques and materials, where the forms, colors and textures are used as abstractions. The result is an image with no allusion to reality, an image that only references to itself. In other paintings, on the contrary, we can see elements extracted from reality that are reflected and re-interpreted in a way that allows us to consider them as abstract interpretations of themselves.​

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